The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and other built environment specifications continuously update their standards to reflect on the changing needs and developments in various industries. These updated standards aim to enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and security of organisations and businesses worldwide.
ISO/TS 14074:2022 – Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles, requirements and guidelines for normalization, weighting and interpretation
Published in November 2022 this standard is applicable to any life cycle assessment (LCA) and footprint quantification study, and it supplements ISO14044, which enables a clear demonstration of the consideration of a life cycle perspective as per Clauses 6.1.2 and 8.1 of ISO14001:2015.
ISO/DIS 14068 Greenhouse gas management and climate change management and related activities — Carbon neutrality.
Still under development, this standard is at the Draft stage (DIS Ballot initiated 25.01.23 for 12 weeks) and is intended to build upon the existing ISO14060 series of ISO Standards documents addressing GHG quantification, reporting and verification: helping organizations, project proponents and stakeholders by providing clarity and consistency on quantifying, monitoring, reporting, and validating or verifying GHG emissions and removals. Applicable to key clauses 6.1.2, 9.1 & 10.3 of ISO14001:2015.
ISO/FDIS 45002 – Occupational health and safety management systems — General guidelines for the implementation of ISO 45001:2018
This standard has reached the final stage of Under Publication as of 24.12.22 with publication imminent in February 2023, and mimics the contents structure of ISO45001, providing guidance on how to implement the requirements in ISO 45001:2018 in any type of organization. Where ISO 45001:2018 states what needs to be done, this document expands on that and gives guidance, including examples, on how it can be done.
ISO/DIS 45006 – Occupational health and safety management — Guidelines for organizations on preventing and managing infectious diseases.
Still under development, this standard is at the Draft stage (Voting closed 18.01.23) and is applicable to organizations of all sizes and sectors, providing guidelines for organizations on how to prevent exposure to, and manage the risks associated with, infectious diseases, that are increasingly recognized as major challenges to health, safety and well-being, both for workers and other relevant interested parties.
PAS 8673:2022 Built environment – Competence requirements for the management of safety in residential buildings – Specification
First published in July 2022 the Specification establishes core principles and competence requirements for professionals delivering services relating to the management of safety in residential buildings. PAS 8673 was developed to address the competence of persons engaged in the management of buildings in scope of the new building safety regulatory regime in England and Wales, but its use is not based in any specific geographic location. BSR invites views on Managing Building Safety and the PAS 8673 document that highlights the necessary competency for those managing high-risk buildings (HRBs). The Consultation closes on 24 April 2023 and can be accessed here