In response to continuing difficulties in the Built Environment Sector, including but not limited to the recent Grenfell Tower fire disaster and numerous industry reports, construction stakeholders have highlighted the continuing issues with poor quality despite widespread use of certification and now collaborated to develop a specification document to enhance the requirements of the ISO9001 Quality Management System standard as applies to the Built Environment.

Designed to overlay and build on the generic requirements of ISO9001, the new BS99001 document provides a sector specific approach to known and predicted issues and encompasses a more integrated approach which includes consideration of environmental, economic, social and sustainability issues, all with a multi-disciplinary project centred focus. The standard also addresses and contributes to 5 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Published by BSi on 31 July 2022, this document aims to provide clarification on requirements for Built Environment and add benefit to wider society by saving lives, avoiding business failure risk and providing more visibility and ownership of legal obligations, with some alignment with the wider changes associated with the Building Safety Act and impact on competence requirements.

Organisations acting as clients, contractors and designers will find the standard particularly useful, as it will help them set out governance mechanisms for projects in a way that will stimulate all interested parties involved in design and construction to collaborate efficiently, putting quality, safety and sustainability of built assets at the top of the priority ladder.

For organizations integrated into project supply chains, this standard will provide a practical framework on the expectations of their customers towards materials, components, and the services that they provide, and how suppliers can best achieve customer satisfaction.


The standard can be purchased on the BSI Shop Website here.